- This looks sweet. Manage virtualbox VMs from the clojure repl.
(via @otfrom) —
“With VMFest you can easily create and operate virtual machines, with emphasis on creating many clones of the same model VMs.” (Disclosure: I am the author). My –very well informed– sources tell me there are some cool new features about to come very soon.
- Criterium 0.2.1 released, benchmarking lib for #clojure
(via @hugoduncan) —
Criterium is a benchmarking library for Clojure that avoids common pitfalls of software benchmarking: statistic soundness, warm-up periods, GC, etc.
- Announcing leinjacker: A library for Leiningen plug-in creators #clojure
(via @deepbluelambda) —
A bunch of utilities and functions to make it easier to build powerful lein plugins
- Have you seen Joxa? It's a heavily Clojure inspired Lisp that runs on the Erlang VM
(via @ghoseb) —
It looks very clojure-y, that’s for sure.