- Shen implemented in Clojure in less than 1000 LOC
(via @jng27) —
The proper name is 神.clj. 神 is a ‘portable functional programming language’ that has already been implemented on top of CLisp, SBCL, JavaScript, and now Clojure. It offers static type checking, lazyness, a full Prolog implementation and a ton of other meta-goodies.
- Great fun and discovery at Functional Programming exchange @SkillsMatter - videos are now online
(via @jr0cket) —
This was a one-day conference. The link is to a Clojure talk.
- lein-webrepl a browser based REPL plugin for Leiningen v2.0 and #Clojure 1.3.0
(via @zoka) —
“A Leiningen plugin that provides browser based nREPL interface, based on ringMon”