- and we are live! EuroClojure 2012 "the first 2-day, full-blown conference in Europe for the Clojure community." (via @EuroClojure) -- Niiiice! Did you want to go to London but didn't have a valid excuse to do so? Now you have one: two days of Clojure talks, with a very interesting talk selection method. Now, where can I find a cheap flight?
- First Conj 2011 Videos Available (via @clojure_conj) -- Speaking of Conferences. If you were to slow snagging a ticket for last year's Clojure/conj, you can pretend you did go by watching these very well produced videos of the talks. This is the first batch, more to come.
- The first public demo of the @LonoCloud OS implementing a multi-cloud federated mobile health application in #Clojure (via @0x1B) -- Flashy! Doesn't show any Clojure code though...