- A sweet blog on the challenges of developing games with Clojure (via @swannodette) -- Not many people think of Clojure when deciding to write a computer game, but some do, and this article summarizes where Clojure falls short in as a gaming platform.
- Solving Pell's equations with the Chakravala method and Clojure (via @hnfirehose) -- Apparently solving some of the Project Euler problems is not a trivial task, and in this case it needed implementing an algorithm that is over 1000 years old. Older than LISP! Bonus: more clojure solutions for Project Euler problems.
- Just pushed the Swank Clojure 1.4.0 release with a stable CDT debugger and improved stack traces. Thanks to @tavisrudd and @georgejahad (via @technomancy) -- What this means is that Emacs gains an even better debugger if you're using swank-clojure (you probably are).
- clojure and leiningen - using a git repository as dependency (via @tobyhede) -- Now that's one little gem hidden in the goldmine that ClojureScript One is: declare git repos (and even the actual commit) as project dependencies. Why use a Maven repo when you can go straight to the source?!!?
- Announcing the new Clojure/West "Friend of Attendee" program! You could get a discount or refund! (via @ClojureWest) -- That's right, refer a friend to Clojure/West (or any other human I believe) and get a discount or a refund if you have already paid (as long as your 'friend' buys a ticket too)
- So far the company with the most developers attending Clojure/West is... Apple. Surprised? (via @ClojureWest) -- I am not going to lie: yes, surprised.
- "The Reasoned Scheduler" (via @cgrand) -- "tl;dr How I realized that core.logic (or miniKanren) is essentially a scheduler."