- outlet a new lisp like language compiles to js, inspired by scheme and #clojure (via @wmacgyver) -- It's borrowing the data structure literals from Clojure, amongst other things. WIP. Worth checking it out.
- Jars for ClojureScript on Maven Central!??!?! Nice way to start the weekend, no? (via @disclojure) -- Oh yeah. That is a gigantic step for all those developing applications using ClojureScript. This makes the building process saner (did I just put 'sane' and 'build process' in the same sentence?!)
- A #clojure macro I wrote recently can be expressed much more elegantly as a clojure monad (via @sritchie09) -- A nice example of the usefulness of Monads.
- A roughly three-hour screencast of me building http://typkov.stevelosh.com with Clojure/Noir/Vim (via @stevelosh) -- Needless to say, I watched the whole movie! I think we're a tad far from the "Build a website in 5 minutes" demos that the Rails guys used to do...