- Clojure/West is launched (via @KodefuGuru) -- Oh yeah! Alex Miller, who is the guy behind StrangeLoop, will be organizing a Clojure conference right at the heart of the Silicon Valley. Save the dates: March 16th and 17th, 2012, although there will be workshops taking place the days prior. (Disclojure: I will be helping with logistics)
- New blog post - first part of an intro to #clojure #logic using core.logic (via @objcmdo) -- Yet another introduction to logic programming in Clojure with core.logic. This one will be multipart and assumes no knowledge of logic programming.
- Mostly λazy is now at its own domain. http://mostlylazy.com/ (via @cemerick) -- Chas Emerick is committed to start a Clojure-centric podcast. That should be fun! Send your ideas (in the comments)
- link to @mmcgrana's new ClojureScript article originally missing from my blog post (via @stevevinoski) -- This is an article to appear in IEEE's Internet Computing Magazine, written by Heroku's Mark McGranaghan, of Ring fame. (original blog post)
- Counterclockwise 0.5.0 released. Fixes 0.4.0 regressions, adds 'toggle comments on selected lines, etc. (via @petitlaurent)