- Simple Hickey: Uncle Bob on Rich Hickey's Strange Loop talk "Simple Made Easy" (via @devstonez) -- This is Bob Martin's response to Rich Hickey's talk at StrangeLoop. This is a thoughtful interpretation or Rich's talk from the Agile/TDD point of view.
- Yesterday I finally began learning #Clojure Now it turns out that it was on the same day as the father of Lisp died. R.I.P. John McCarthy (via @jonelf) -- Indeed, a sad day.
- World Singles switches from Scala to Clojure - Prelude (via @ulsa) -- This is the first of a series of articles from Sean Corfield explaining why World Singles is moving to Clojure from Scala.
- Real World Clojure - PowerMTA log files (via @FMC_Washington) -- And here's the second of this series
- Just implemented a clojure-jack-in interface in cake. That's right, now cake users can have M-x clojure-jack-in! :D (via @IORayne) -- Oooo, so now using cake with Emacs is as easy as using leiningen. Do we need to organize some build-tool-olympics for Clojure/Conj?
- Are you going to the Clojure Conj? Propose your talk/BoF/workshop/whatever in the parallel Clojure Conj unconference (via @cemerick) -- It looks like the plan is to not stop at all at the Conj. After the programmed talks, there will be plenty of other talks, meetups, drinkups and hackathons to go... Oh my!. Add your own, or RSVP to the proposed ones.