Emblogginated: "Why Clojure doesn’t need invokedynamic, but it might be nice" (via @fogus) -- There has been a lot of chatter about the JVM getting InvokeDynamic, a construct that would allow very fast method invocations when there is not static type information. Although from the sound of it it would seem that Clojure should right away start using it, the situation is not that simple since Clojure already optimizes such calls. But there are still some reasons why you would want to have Clojure use ID, along with some prices to pay for such support. The devil is in the details.
@fogus You get a 1000-word comment and a full retort blog post. Kudos! :) (via @headius) -- Charles Nutter is the brains behind JRuby, a very very fast implementation of Ruby on the JVM, so when he speaks about JVM and InvokeDynamic, one should listen carefully. In summary, InvokeDynamic will be central to the JVM in the future and Clojure would be missing an opportunity if it didn't start planning on use it.
#Clojure will get invokedynamic support when it is most effective to do so, but probably not much sooner. #pragmatism (via @richhickey) -- That's not saying much, but I take the hint: not any time soon.