- Clojure Web Frameworks Round-Up: Enlive & Compojure (via @InfoQ) -- An interview with both the authors of Compojure and Enlive.
- You may be interested in in this effort to catalog clojure videos (via @JulienChastang) -- Interesting indeed.
- Released Pomegranate v0.0.1: a dependency-aware `add-classpath` for Clojure + (the start of?) a Sonatype Aether wrapper (via @cemerick) -- Oooo , so this allows you to require a library that is not even in your classpath and also import all it's dependencies. Is that what this is? Wow.
- Talk @ JavaOne rt now: "Monitoring a Large Scale Infrastructure with Clojure at Dell". Yes, *that* Dell. (via @cemerick) -- JavaOne is going on this week and there have been a few talks about Clojure, with @cemerick, @abedra and @mmcgrana to cite a few. Apparently Clojure is not hip anymore because it is now used in the corporate world...how ironic.
- VimClojure v2.3.0 is out. Send the bug reports in. (via @kotarak) -- With support for Clojure 1.3.