Simplificando el entorno de desarrollo Clojure en Mac OSX. Nuevo artículo en la web. (via @agile_jordi) -- This is an article (in Spanish) about setting up your Clojure development environment in OSX. The usual suspects are featured.
A better explanation of why I am reconsidering my investment in Clojure. Talk me out of it. (via @marick) -- So speaking of Midje, his author, a well known Agile proponent, is putting forward some issues he's had with the tone of some communications with Rich Hickey, and his (oh-so-public) stance regards Test Driven Development (or even Agile) or other popular request (e.g. better error reporting). In the light of these incidents Marick is wondering if issues like these are putting Clojure at a risk of becoming a niche language, and hence not worth making further investments of his time. Ugh, I hate to write about these things, i'd rather write about monads instead. In any case this cookie is relevant. Now, if we could try to find a common place in which we all win instead of all lose...