• Clojure compiler targeting Node.js (via @eBayPlatform) -- This is a very detailed article on how to use ClojureScript in NodeJS.
  • Clojure just came to CodeMirror (via @codemirror) -- CodeMirror is a JavaScript in-browser editor that now supports Clojure code editing.
  • Working on transparent error msg for defn and fn. I bet you can't break it (via @ambrosebs) -- If it's so transparent, does it mean that no one will see the error messages? ;) This is a patch for some meaningful error reporting in clojure, related to 'defn' and 'fn' (as opposed to a large stack trace telling you that it can't convert an Integer to an ISeq or something like that)
  • 11 new speakers added to http://clojure-conj.org/#speakers Not enough room to list them all here. Please visit the site for the full list. (via @clojure_conj) -- Now that we have speakers, does it mean that we also have talks? and if so, where?
  • #clojure and the web by @glv . Classy as ususal (via @patterngazer) -- This is a talk given recently at QCon. A little bit of clojure, sprinkled with ring, compojure, enlive and other usual suspects.