Working on transparent error msg for defn and fn. I bet you can't break it (via @ambrosebs) -- If it's so transparent, does it mean that no one will see the error messages? ;) This is a patch for some meaningful error reporting in clojure, related to 'defn' and 'fn' (as opposed to a large stack trace telling you that it can't convert an Integer to an ISeq or something like that)
11 new speakers added to Not enough room to list them all here. Please visit the site for the full list. (via @clojure_conj) -- Now that we have speakers, does it mean that we also have talks? and if so, where?
#clojure and the web by @glv . Classy as ususal (via @patterngazer) -- This is a talk given recently at QCon. A little bit of clojure, sprinkled with ring, compojure, enlive and other usual suspects.