Excellent writeup on why #clojure won't benefit from JVM 7 invokedynamic(via @spariev) -- The whole thread is a very interesting read actually. Tal Liron is trying to experiment with Clojure making use of the new InvokeDynamic JVM feature that is designed to improve the performance of dynamic calls to object's methods. It turns out that Clojure is already clever about this and it is mostly not needed, but the experiments goes on. The related HN thread contains a great discussion about this topic with JRuby's author.
@headius @robilad It's not dynamic dispatch because Clojure isn't object-oriented. Throws away a large layer of indirection. (via @djspiewak) -- Nicely put.
Today's #clojure news: statically compiling a dynamic (mostly-immutable) #language simplifies many optimization hurdles (via @BrianTRice) -- Good summary.
Seems like #clojure for #cloudfoundry is near(via @nilswloka) -- Speaking of which, CloudFoundry itself is getting (maybe?) Clojure support. This is how all pull request on github sould be: "CloudFoundry does not have native Clojure support. Here I fixed it. It's just like Heroku's"
With great regret, retracted a blog post (via @dnene) -- And with greatest regret we publish your retraction. It's hard to write posts with programming language performance benchmarks (or any benchmark, really) without realizing it is an enormous task to get it right, if possible at all. Your honesty is appreciated.