- Pacman in ClojureScript (via @maclausen) -- Impressive! You can use your browser zoom to make it bigger without seeing it pixelated, since it is based on vector graphics. For me it worked best in Chrome, and it doesn't work in Safari.
- Testing Web Applications with clj-webdriver (via @kumarshantanu) -- clj-webdriver is a Clojure library for driving a web browser using Selenium-WebDriver as the backend, so you can easily and functionally automate your acceptance tests.
- Calling Mahout from Clojure (via @gmwils) -- Apache Mahout is a Machine Learning library that can get it's data from pretty much everywhere, from the filesystem to Hadoop. This short article shows how to use it from Clojure.
- Video from last night's NYC Clojure talk on Pattern Matching & Predicate Dispatch by @swannodette (via @TommyVulgar) -- This is a recording of this week's talk at NYC Clojure meetup. This talk is about the current work on pattern matching (a-la ML) and future work in predicate dispatch for Clojure (think of multimethods on steroids)
- slides from my NYC Clojure talk on pattern matching and predicate dispatch (via @swannodette) -- In case watching video is not your thing.
- Get started with logic programming #clojure #core.logic (via @ambrosebs) -- A sizable tutorial on core.logic, a logic programming library that is part of the new clojure contrib.
NOTE: I am tweaking a little bit how the links in tweets are presented. I am disobeying a little bit the W3C rules in order to make it clearer what the principal link is (the one referenced in the original tweet) versus other links that I add as background info. The full content of the original tweet is now a link. Thanks for the feedback and let me know how you like it!