Friday Update 1.1,! (here, via @jondistad) -- Relevance peeps spend Fridays working on OS project. Currently they are working on an in-browser REPL for ClojureScript (similar to brepl) and on cogito (ergo sum?!), a clojure implementation of System-Z+, a probabilistic reasoner (can we call the AI nuclear winter over now?) Oh, and don't miss the beautiful use of marginalia in the cogito code; when I grow up, I want my code to look like this!
The Naming of Namespaces (here, via @planetclojure) -- Stuart Sierra provides some ideas on how to divide your functions into name spaces -- that is, if you have to, since most times you don't have to.
In-browser debugging of code that compiles into javascript such as CoffeeScript and clojure (here, via @iryanmeyer ) -- The Mozilla and Webkit guys are working on a JavaScript debugger --for the browsers using their technologies-- that will work with languages that compile to JS, like CoffeeScript or ClojureScript (just got RSI from typing those two names). Sounds like great news!
Optimized pattern matching and predicate dispatch for Clojure (here, via @ajlopez) -- Yesterday we showed some snipped of the power of 'match', @swannodette's pattern matching lib. This is the lib.
Presentation: Clojure: The Art of Abstraction (here, via @javameme) -- This is a video with slides of Alex Miller's talk at Code PaLOUsa on how useful clojure's abstractions are. Very good talk if you want to get your friend/coworker/non-pointy-haired-boss to try Clojure.
One Night With Clojure Makes a Scala Guy Humble (here, via @wfaler) -- "Oh, and my new Clojure app went into production the same day I started writing it.". The author rewrote an application in Clojure that he had previously written in Java and then in Scala, and provides his thoughts on his move to Clojure. (Spoiler: he likes Clojure)
Twitter explaining why they're moving from the Ruby MRI to the JVM, Java, Scala and Clojure (here, via @jovoordeckers) -- This is the talk at OSCON this year in which Twitter engineers explained why and how they moved from Ruby to the JVM, and how they use different JVM languages for different projects.