• Clojure/core working hard today to get some finishing touches on Rich's "something new" (here, via @redinger) -- Yeah, right, you keep teasing us... wait, what?!?! 300 attendees?!
  • Goog@le+ #Clojure circle (Post by Claudia Doppioslash) (here, via @kumarshantanu) --  Check in there to find other Clojurians on G+
  • Blogged how to extract child elements in an XML doc using #clojure zip-filter (here, via @markhneedham) -- This is an interesting post that describes as seeming simple problem with reading an XML document via zippers. The proposed solution is a good example of proper functional programming.
  • Here's UPNP port forwarding in #Clojure (here, via @rosenj) -- Which brings us to Peer, a peer to peer networking toolkit for Clojure.
  • Wrote a post on writing a simple query DSL for #mongodb in #clojure (here, via @_cwm_) -- MongoDB is a NoSQL database that prides itself for being very fast. It has a hashmap-based query language, and this article provides a DSL for building complex queries with ease.
  • I just published a #clojure.test runner (here, via @paraseba) -- Runs your clojure.test tests without change, adds fine grained selection of tests to run, automatically reloads modified files, extensible, and a bit more. Makes testing at the REPL quite more convenient.