I strung a bunch of words together surveying the basics of web development with clojure (here, via @brehaut) -- And by "strung a bunch of words together" he means "I wrote this awesome, detailed and balanced overview of the current options for web development in Clojure". Must read.
Example Clojure Twitter Application (here, via @__fury) -- Deployed on the new Heroku stack, this application uses Clojure/Ring/Compojure plus Sass, CoffeeScript, JQuery and other JS goodies. A good non-trivial example of Clojure web development.
10 Clojure One Liners (here, via @ghoseb) -- So I take this is some sort of meme these days. See here, here and here. Looking forward the ARM assembler version...
The July issue of PragPub will have a Clojure focus (here, via @pragpub) -- Book publisher Pragmatic Programmers (they published the first book on Clojure: Stuart Halloway's) has been putting out a free monthly e-magazine. July's version will be a must read!
Today I wrote a #clojure macro which detects compilation errors, parses error message, and rewrites the code so its fixed. (via @jason_j) -- Please, go on, tell us more...