• I strung a bunch of words together surveying the basics of web development with clojure (here, via @brehaut) -- And by "strung a bunch of words together" he means "I wrote this awesome, detailed and balanced overview of the current options for web development in Clojure". Must read.
  • Example Clojure Twitter Application (here, via @__fury) -- Deployed on the new Heroku stack, this application uses Clojure/Ring/Compojure plus Sass, CoffeeScript, JQuery and other JS goodies. A good non-trivial example of Clojure web development.
  • 10 Clojure One Liners (here, via @ghoseb) -- So I take this is some sort of meme these days. See here, here and here. Looking forward the ARM assembler version...
  • The July issue of PragPub will have a Clojure focus (here, via @pragpub) -- Book publisher Pragmatic Programmers (they published the first book on Clojure: Stuart Halloway's) has been putting out a free monthly e-magazine. July's version will be a must read!
  • Today I wrote a #clojure macro which detects compilation errors, parses error message, and rewrites the code so its fixed. (via @jason_j) -- Please, go on, tell us more...