• Classpath trickery for using clojure-hbase with leiningen (thanks @clizzin !) (here, via @davidandrzej) -- You can alter the classpath used by leiningen to run your code by using robert hooke, a library that lets you extend existing functions. Then you can setup a hook in leiningen that will be executed when leiningen calls it's own get-classpath function. When this function is called by leiningen, your hook will be executed too. Or something along these lines...
  • More Clojure for Spring Surf (here, via @skuro) -- Spring Surf is a View Composition Framework for Spring MVC. If you know spring you know what I am talking about. If you don't know spring, suffice to say it is a framework within a framework of a framework, all dependency injected. Aaaanyway, this article is about spring-webscripts-addon-clojure, a library that lets you create scripts for Spring Surf in Clojure.
  • Parsing Web Pages with Clojure and enlive. (here, via @rippinrobr) -- A friendly reminder that Enlive can be used for the reverse of generating web pages, which is parsing them.