• Functional thinking: Thinking functionally, Part 1 (here, via @planetclojure) -- Just be glad you don't have to write this kind of code...
  • Clojure Atlas now available: "An experimental visualization of the Clojure language and its standard library" (here, via @cemerick) -- This is an interactive visualization tool for clojure libraries, with the outstanding quality that it is not just a mechanized extraction of metadata and dumping of it into the web, instead, it is properly curated.
  • Growing so fond of #Clojure that I think of the parens giving my forms a nice hug. (via @carinmeier) -- Aaawww!
  • I just uploaded a simple tic-tac-toe player in #clojure Simple but beautiful. (here, via @paraseba) --"It was created for a Clojure presentation, where the public knew nothing about Clojure. So, I'm using only the most basic parts of Clojure. It has no optimizations at all". This is a good learning/teaching tool.
  • Cool. Clojure mode has been merged into the the #Ace project now (here, via @carinmeier) --Ace is an javascript/ajax-based test editor for the cloud, used amongst other by Cloud9. Does this mean that soon we'll be able to edit our Clojure code directly from GitHub in the browser? I believe the clojure support for Ace was done as part of building 4clojure.com