• OCI Software Engineering Tech Trends, Clojure Sequences, by Stephen Molitor (here, via @ObjectComputing) -- This is a fairly in depth article on Clojure's sequence abstraction and its uses.
  • I love clojure, the language that can fit 5 sorting algorithms on a screen. (here, via @pepijndevos) -- I counted more than five, and they still fit in one screen :). The article refers to 5 different lazy-sort algorithms that are interesting even though they are not extremely fast.
  • A Very Gentle Introduction To Relational & Functional Programming (here, via @jneira) -- David Nolen's logos has become clojure.core.logic . What is it and what does it do? The answer, my friend, is in this github project.
  • New blog post, Runtime Dynamism + Performance: Have Your Cake And Eat It Too (here, via @swannodette) -- This article shows how clojure's type system can extend the host libraries (java in this case) to support new use cases, and even do it in a very efficient way. It does so by explaining how to add to all collections the ability to tell if they can be used as a sequence within clojure.