Something really cool in terms of production Clojure-in-the-wild just happened that I'm not at liberty to discuss. ;) (via @rplevy) -- Now that's a teaser, if I've ever see one. Care to break the gag order and spill the beans?!?!
Leiningen project-in-a-gist (here, via @pepijndevos) -- This is a cool trick for projects that are very very little. A minimalist leiningen project for micro-projects.
Violent metaphors make for some of the best metaphors: (deconstructing Slamhound's Clojure code) (here, via @technomancy) -- Slamhound is a library that grabs your source file, discards your name space declaration, including imports, uses and requires and replaces it with a new version that is build from the body of the source file, adding all that is necessary, but only what is necessary. Better than keeping those updated by hand! This article explains in quite detail how the library works.
I just published Vhector, Clojure wrapper for Hector, client for Apache Cassandra (here, via @damienlepage) -- Hector is a high level Java client for ApacheĀ Cassandra, a highly scalable distributed no-sql DB.
Clojure Facebook Page with Wall Feature (here, via @hnfirehose) -- Oh no, not Facebook...