• Logos is now in Clojure Contrib! All further developments happening here (via @swannodette) -- Logos is/was a logic programming library for Clojure. Now it is called core.logic under clojure. Work in progress, but looking very good! It's author David Nolen has been posting about Logos/core.logic on his blog for quite a while.
  • Not saying 'run to the shiny ball' - but write #Clojure for a bit then try writing #Java. Java==more time typing, Clojure==thinking/doing (via @joeltosi) -- That's what happens when you take the red pill.
  • Clojure micro pattern matcher (here, via @pepijndevos) -- If matchure is too much for your pattern matching needs, here is some code to do basic pattern matching
  • What makes Clojure really unusual is that it actually lived up to its hype. (via @nathanmarz) - Yeah!