Logos is now in Clojure Contrib! All further developments happening here (via @swannodette) -- Logos is/was a logic programming library for Clojure. Now it is called core.logic under clojure. Work in progress, but looking very good! It's author David Nolen has been posting about Logos/core.logic on his blog for quite a while.
Not saying 'run to the shiny ball' - but write #Clojure for a bit then try writing #Java. Java==more time typing, Clojure==thinking/doing (via @joeltosi) -- That's what happens when you take the red pill.
Clojure micro pattern matcher (here, via @pepijndevos) -- If matchure is too much for your pattern matching needs, here is some code to do basic pattern matching
What makes Clojure really unusual is that it actually lived up to its hype. (via @nathanmarz) - Yeah!