• Spawn a repl on your server and code clojure on your iPad using multi-repl- D’oh, it really is fun. Wish I had @iAWriter though. (here, via @evilhackerdude) -- "multi-repl spawns an arbitrary REPL (read-eval-print loop) process and exposes it to the web. Everyone goes into the same process (for now). Yarrr, it's a huge deathmatch!". Built on top of node.js, has works with clj, ghci, ipython, irb, js, node, python, sbcl, v8.
  • Comparing clojure and node.js for speed (here, via @Swizec) -- Spoiler: Clojure is better for long-ish computations. Now, what is this with graphs without units?!
  • Take a look at my first blog post! It's about clj-facebook-graph a Clojure library for the #Facebook Graph API (here, via @webermaximilian) -- Great, now we have another way to waste time with Facebook... :D
  • Presentation:Monads Made Easy: Jim Duey demystifies monads through code examples written in Clojure (here, via @yueliufeeds) -- I'd suggest the following edit to the title: s/Easy/Easier, but regardless, the tutorial is really good!
    • Crap, #clojure community is now putting monads tutorials out there, too. Time to switch to #erlang. (via @michaelklishin) -- Try Visual Basic
  • Clojure 1.2.1 is on its way to Maven Central #somebodyhastodoit (via @stuartsierra) -- fixes the issue with keywords not being garbage collected.
  • The second official clj3D (clojure 3d library) screencast is out! (here, via @alfredodinapoli) -- Watch a cow change colors and spin around! This library looks like a lot of fun.