Cool Clojure post by Corey Hoffstein: Hacking with Clojure (here, via @jacquesdp) -- A ruby hacker tries Haskell and Lisp. Frustrated by the lack of a package manager in Lisp, tries Clojure. Then tries macros. Enlightenment achieved.
Griffon clojure plugin 0.7 released (here, via @theaviary) -- Griffon is a Rails-inspired development environment for client side applications. It's got excellent clojure support, mirroring Grails.
if you hack Clojure & not using emacs M-C-u/M-C-f/M-C-b then you're too slow. backward-up-list, forward-sexp, backward-sexp ftw! (via @shearic) -- Turns out I was slow.
looks like Clojure defrecord changes are starting to come into focus (fogus?) for (here, via @puredanger) -- This would fix a few issues with defrecords that make them to not conform with the law of least surprises, behaving differently than other clojure code in many subtle ways.
in which secrets are kept (here, via @technomancy) -- In which technomancy explains one of the new features of Leiningen 1.5.0: using private repositories
Package management using jark (here, via @icylisper) -- We already talked about Jark, a library that lets you write and run system scripts in clojure without having to start a new JVM at every turn. This is a an introduction to its built-in package manager.
Clojure is almost as big as Common Lisp (here, via @planetclojure) -- The title might make you think this is about the number of users, but it is not. This is about the number of definition in clojure the language. What this actually means, I don't know.