• All Clojure-Conj Videos Available (here, via @pdrobushevich) -- All except for Rich's talk on Clojure 1.3 which it turns out didn't get properly recorded.
  • Subrosa: An IRC server written in Clojure (here, via @thnetos) -- This is an IRC written in clojure tailored for distributed teams. This post introduces subrosa, but there are more posts to come about it. Get Subrosa here.
  • Look, it's a book! (here, via @chrishouser) -- Joy of Clojure exists as paperback!
  • Readable Clojure Without a Java Equivalent? (here, via @ycombinatornews) -- That's a good question. Can you translate all (readable) clojure code into a (readable) Java equivalent?
  • Streaming OpenCV Video over the Network Using M-JPEG (here, via @planetclojure) -- Motion-JPEG lets you stream video over HTTP. This post provides a Clojure implementation of M-JPEG that serves video from OpenCV.