Poor Man's Integrating Leiningen into Counterclockwise (Clojure Eclipse IDE Plug-in) (here, via @kumarshantanu) -- Since there is no Leiningen plugin for Eclipse, here is how you can have Eclipse work with leiningen.
"In Clojure code things tend to happen exactly where you happen to be looking." -- @fogus (here, via @chrishouser) -- Chris Houser and Michel Fogus are responding to all questions in coderanch.com.
SLIME hints #5 - slime-apropos (here, via @planetclojure) -- Find a function in any namespace in your running REPL.
evalive a go go (here, via @planetclojure) -- Michael Fogus releases this project that provides all an evil twin to 'eval', called 'evil'. And destro.