• A proposal for real multi-line comments in Clojure (here, via @IORayne) -- #| this is a comment that is very very long, so long that it expands to multiple lines, but it doesn't evaluate to 'nil' like 'comment' does, nor it needs to be well formed clojure code, no... it can be *anything* and it evaluates to less than nil, nada, zilch; it just goes puff! |#
  • infoQ Interview:Chris Houser Discusses Clojure (here, via @silvan_rss)
  • Used to code scala at home and java at work. now I code scala at work and clojure at home (via @johlrogge) -- Work at home, you'll be happier and more productive!
  • Emblogginated: "Pattern Matching vs. Destructuring… to the death!" (here, via @fogus) -- What's the difference between destructuring and pattern matching? Not that easy, huh? that's why you will need to read this article.
  • YouTube version of Intro to #midje for #clojure.test users (here, via @marick) -- Midje is a(nother) test framework for clojure, with the goal of providing readable tests, and with a migration path from clojure.test. Now if you want to know more about it you can just watch this 8 minute video.
  • ちょっと面白い。Hadoopの部分はClojureか・・・フロント周りとの統合は今後の要注目かな。(here, via @okachimachiorz1) -- I am not going to bother with the google translation, but this is an on readwriteweb (in English to boot) about backtype and the technology they use, which includes Clojure and Cascalog amongst other cool technologies.