• (ns clojure.babyboy) (def gaĆ«l (-> (comp emilie cgrand) Thread. .start)) (via @cgrand) -- Somebody just got busy! :) Congrats!
  • I've just released ClojureQL 1.0.0 - Please see http://clojureql.org for more info! Big thanks to all contributors!! (here, via @LauJensen)
  • Emblogginated: "The Marginalia Manifesto" (here, via @fogus) -- Marginalia is a literate programming tool for clojure inspired by docco. It makes reading someone else's code a pleasure, provided they actually have comments in the code (the literate part). Now read this blog, go to the marginalia website, and get your projects literate. Do it now. With a little bit of work, your code will too look like this.
  • In memory map/reduce framework in 25 lines of Clojure (here, via @newsbloom4) -- Well,mapping and reducing wasn't distributed at first, ya know?
  • Cooperative concurrency in Clojure (here, via @pepijndevos) -- Make one single thread execute many functions in an interleaved manner without getting the OS scheduler involved.