• I ported Clojure's Persistent Vectors and Hash Maps to Haskell (here, via @REDDITSPAMMOR) -- That's a new one, Haskell getting inspiration from Clojure!
  • Rich Hickey stops Clojure funding appeal from 2011 onwards (here, via @newsbloom5) -- I don't really know what to say about this one. I am sure there is a backstory that is only known by a small group of people, or maybe only by Rich himself, and we just don't know it. Given that we only have partial information it is hard to say what is wrong with Rich ending the donation drive a week after it started: that he ended it? that he was forced to end it? that clojure/core exists? that patches are not applied fast enough? that there should be a road map? that some users are feel too entitled? that clojure still needs more time to grow freely before being declared mature? Whatever it is, we must fix. But for now, how about we all chill for a while? Maybe take some time to think things over? Rich should be able to do what he likes to do (moar clojure goodies!), the community should be able to fund his efforts, and the development of clojure should be a little more transparent and open. Or maybe it is already open enough, and if so, anyone here with a PR background  and some spare cycles?... No?
  • Playing with fork/join from #clojure (here, via @puredanger) -- Alex Miller plays with the upcoming fork/join feature in Java 7 and provides an easy way of using it from Clojure.
  • The business model seems to be: 1. Create nifty new language 2. Popularize the above 3. Form startup selling training (via @djspievak) -- A sign that Universities are not doing their job anymore maybe?
  • I really don't understand the point of Clojure. Did someone fail to get the Lisp beast in the heart with a wooden stake? (via @GeorgeReese) -- Yes, they failed. Thanks for asking though!