I secretly hope Clojure pods will have a small locking bug, that will lead to a podrace condition. #starwars (via @pepijndevos)
Now you can use Marginalia via Leiningen to generate your Clojure project docs (big thanks to @napple as always) (here, via @fogus) -- Marginalia is a literate programming library for Clojure that was announced yesterday.
Just had a swank repl spawn an nrepl and then load the ns of the code that spawned the nrepl. Might have just created a black hole (via @objcmdo) -- This must be true, and I must have traveled back in time at least 15 years via this black hole. Otherwise how do I explain that I am coding in Lisp and using Emacs daily?...
Large websites built with functional programming languages (Scala and Clojure the big winners) (here, via @omargomez) -- This is a question on Quora.