We have a serious troll in our midst in the clojure mailing list. Fun times! (via @ghoseb) -- Oh no, trouble in paradise!
Yes. Something similar has happened before (here,via @vetoshev) -- Rich Hickey tried to fight the trolls before: his advice? Don't feed the trolls.
why o why did i open that thread on the clojure list? havent i learned? stupid. stupid. stupid sean. (via @SeanTAllen) -- poor soul :(
JRuby/Clojure integration (here, via @chopmo) -- A step by step tutorial on how to integrate Clojure into a Rails on JRuby, using Incanter as an example.
Scala and Clojure in the top 18 languages for 2011! (here, via @xphree) -- eWeek magazine considers Clojure (and Scala) two of the 18 languages to consider for next year. Erlang and F# are also there, along with the usual suspects (C, Java, C++, perl, PHP, etc...)
Blog post on writing digital ink applications with Clojure and OpenGL (here, via @felixbrewer) -- This is an awesomely detailed article on writing a handwriting application for Tabled computers using Clojure + OpenGL (via JOGL) + JPen.
@napple's been rocking the house on Marginalia (very-lightweight literate programming for Clojure) (here, via @fogus) -- Ohoooh!! Ohhh! oh! Yeah! Now now, how do we make this mandatory for all projects? Lein, Cake and Maven gents, make it so! This is a literate programming library for Clojure. What is literate programming you ask? Look here. Inspired by Coffeescript's Docco, which is a great place to get inspiration from.
New Clojure XML-RPC library. Looks like I get to deprecate clj-xmlrpc! :D (here, via @IORayne) -- I find the name for the library "necessary-evil" to be quite fitting, specially for the "evil" part. I am just happy someone (other than me) is doing this.