• Pure Clojure functions should have ^:pure metadata on them. The compiler could then infer fn purity based on calls in fn bodies. Crazy? (via @cemerick) -- That'd be cool.
  • Factual launches its own Developer Blog. Read the first post: "Thinking in Clojure for Java Programmers (Part 1)" (here, via @factualinc) -- Great article to send to your Java developer friends and coworkers, or to your boss, or to your spouse (so that she knows you're not crazy).
  • Free version IntelliJ 10 with Clojure: create new project from existing leinigen project, add jars in lib ---> nice free Clojure IDE. (via @mark_I_watson) -- Indeed, the "Community" version of IntelliJ IDEA 10 not only it  is free, but you can use it for Clojure programming by installing the La Clojure plugin