• New ccw RC (Clojure support for Eclipse). Includes nREPL + new REPL UI. Thanks @petitlaurent! (here, via @cemerick) -- This new version of CounterClockwise supports the new cross-IDE repl infrastructure: nREPL.
  • The first conj video has been posted! Rich Hickey, "Hammock-driven Development" (here, via @stuartsierra) -- I'll make it easy for you: if you write non-trivial pieces of software and you weren't at the Conj, watch it, but if you write non-trivial pieces of software and you did attend the Conj, just watch it again. This talk is a plea for developers to spend time thinking about the problems they are about to solve.
  • URL Normalization in Clojure (here, via @planetclojure) -- This library will tell you if two seemingly different URLs are the same.
  • Leiningen 1.4.0 was released tonight: tell all your Clojure friends! (here, via @technomancy) -- Interactive tasks while keeping the JVM running, shell wrappers for Windows, cygwin fixes, pattern based exclusions for jars and uberjars.
  • First cut at an extensible compiler (here, via @planetclojure) -- The pace of development in ClojureQL is quite high these days. This article shows how to write a backend compiler for your favorite database so you can use ClojureQL with it.