• v0.0.2 of clojure nREPL released to maven central org.clojure:tools.nrepl:0.0.2 – Next up, real documentation! :-P (here, via @cemerick) -- nREPL is the new remote protocol to access the clojure REPL, meant to unify this access from all modern IDEs and hopefully Emacs too.
  • midje 0.8.0 released: better handling of background facts (incl. incompatible change). No longer supports clojure 1.1 (here, via @marick)
  • Pulled together a few scraps of notes about my autodoc addition to the maven clojure plugin (here, via @puredanger) -- That's useful in case you are heretically not using leiningen nor cake, and instead selling your soul to Maven.
  • Well, there we are. Clojure on the shootout. About time! (here, via @donsbot) -- Clojure is finally represented in the Computer Language Benchmarks Name (a.k.a. the shootout). This site runs benchmarks for the implementations of the same algorithms in many computer languages, and let's you compare the results amongst languages. Things don't look too good for Clojure when compared to Haskell, but the clojure implementations are quite new and probably not very optimized.