• Clojure versus Python (here, via @pepijndevos) -- Pepijn de Vos is trying to do some intensive minecraft data processing, but finds that the same algorithm in Python is way faster than when written in clojure. Any hints on why?
  • my #clojure #java interop slides from #qconsf are now online at (here, via @stuarthalloway) -- Great set of slides, even if you already know clojure :)
  • TryClojure – A Call To Action (here, via @planetclojure) -- TryClojure has been a good tool to get many people to -- you'll be surprised about this -- try clojure :) ... anyway, the author of this fabulous tool needs help in modernizing and improving some aspects of it. Wanna volunteer?
  • mongodb-session - mongodb as a Clojure/Ring's http session storage (here, via @fatrow) -- A ring middleware that stores and retrieves web sessions using MongoDB