new page on starting a clojure user group: Feedback please! (here, via @puredanger) -- Now there is no excuse for not starting your local clojure group :)
The design for clojureql is starting to shape up. Still very open to input, see the README (here, via @LauJensen) -- A bridge between JDBC/SQL and clojure data types. WIP, so it is a good tome to provide feedback.
Continuous deployment of Clojure web apps: my #clojureconj slides & a pallet/jclouds/Hudson screencast (here, via @cemerick) -- Chas Emerick showed us at clojure-conj a combination of tools that can automate your application deployment cycle. Since many of you couldn't attend the conj, he is gracious enough to provide the slides used at that presentation and also include a 50-minute screencast to go with them. Oh, and also the full sources of the example application used for the screencast.