• #StackOverflow just fielded its 1000th #Clojure question. Way to go! (via @missingfaktor)
  • Functional Programming with Clojure: Simple Concurrency on the JVM (here, via @mamersfo) -- A refcard for clojure, published by dzone.
  • Starting a Cluster on EC2 with Pallet (here, via @planetclojure) -- A nice introduction to deploying applications on the cloud with pallet, a clojure library that lets you manage your applications in the cloud from the REPL (or lein, or cake)
  • Starting on my Clojure Conj 2011 topic... "The Macronomicon" :-) (here, via @fogus) -- A book on how to substitute macros for functions in clojure code. It is very well needed, judging for the flak that the excessive use of macros got at clojure-conj. Very WIP.
  • Posted about async support in Ring (here, via @mmcgrana) -- Mark McGranaghan decided to review the Ring SPEC to add support for asynchronous operations, which would help web servers handle large numbers of connected clients without exhausting the server's resources, amongst other goodies. Here is an example app with sync, long-poll, streaming, and websockets. Read the proposal and chime in!
  • @technomancy & @ninjudd are collaborating on the project.clj spec as we speak, now if only I could track down the PMaven/ #clojure guys :) (via @LauJensen) -- Ooohh! one project.clj to rule them all!
    • Thanks to man behind the curtain @cemerick, the Maven crew is now engaged in designing the spec as well! One format to rule them all awaits! (via @LauJensen) -- ...and then there were three... :)
  • Tech Talk at LinkedIn: "Clojure at BackType" (including live demo) (here, via @backtypetech) -- Watch Nathan Marz showcase Cascalog, a datalog-inspired data processing engine for Hadoop.