Emacs Front End to the Clojure Debugging Toolkit (here, via @jneira) -- Instead of blaming myself for failing to report a couple of days ago on the advances in George Jahad's Clojure Debugging Toolkit (which is what would be appropriate since he personally told me he was readying this version a couple of weeks ago,) I will blame him for not using twitter to announce these things! Ha! The debugger now has Emacs front end, with a number of commands to create, list breakpoints, go up and down the stack and stuff like that.
Blogged about Rodney Leonard Stubbs, the simplest stubs for Clojure via Leiningen (here, via @technomancy) -- A new feature of Leningen that will let you run integration tests by (almost)transparently replacing real services for stubbed-out ones. When running tests, this lein plugin looks for special metadata tags in vars in your test code and replace the tagged vars with the referenced stubbed objects.
Posted blog about micro-benchmark using Clojure 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 Alpha 1 (here, via @mauritsrijk) -- As 1.3 is progressing there is a lot of interest in its performance improvements. This microbenchmarks don't test any of the new static or primitive types enhancements, and even then, 1.3a1 is 10% faster than 1.2.
A clojure stomp client implementation based on discussion in the irc channel (here, via @ninjudd) -- Stomp is a streaming text oriented protocol that aims at maximum interoperability. The IRC discussion he mentions is related to using Stomp as a (suggested) wire protocol for nREPL, the networked REPL.
Clojure 1.3 First Impression (It's Fast) (here, via @HNTweets) -- The author of Learning Clojure talks about how with little changes his numerically intensive code runs much faster in 1.3a1 than it does in 1.2. Much much faster.