• First spike of a (hopefully) common network Clojure REPL (here, via @cemerick) -- nREPL is a clean-room design and implementation of a remote REPL for Clojure, with the intention to become the standard amongst IDE tools. The rationale for this project and the initial design can be found here.
  • ANN: Mycroft, a #clojure inspector (here, via @stuarthalloway) -- This is a new tool designed to let you gain introspection into all the objects known by your clojure instance. It lets you navigate from package to package or by other routes. You can try it out with this live version here.
  • TwiML voice Clojure implementaiton complete (here, via @sethtrain) -- Now that is a fun toy to play with! This is a library that lets you interact with Twilio, which is a communications service provider in the cloud (think glorified answering machine, but on steroids, lots of them). You now can easily program your own call center from clojure.
  • jclouds at @oredev Malmö 9-10 Nov showing #whirr and #pallet #cloud #devops tools (here and here, via @jclouds) -- If you're going to attend Øredev in Malmö, Sweden, then you might want to also attend these two workshops on cloud deployment with jclouds and pallet. Pallet is built on Clojure and uses jclouds to provision servers in the cloud, and then automatically configures them to your liking.
  • funkyweb just got a major update (here, via @_pmh_) -- This is a new entry in the list of web application frameworks for Clojure. Its main differentiator is that it can infer the routes based on your code. WIP