• Video: #clojure introduction "Up Close and Personal" by @unclebobmartin Thanks @agileholland and @amsclj (here, via @sourcesense) -- So Bob Martin went to Agile Holland and talked about how Clojure is the future. He is one entertaining speaker. Props to the Amsterdam Clojurians for setting this up!
  • Clojure-conj talks posted (here, via @liebke) -- Know what will be talked about at the first clojure-conj conference. At least officially. Unofficially, plans of world domination will be discussed between the talks and also at the bar.
  • Clojure Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagger Explained (here, via @aria42) -- A few days ago there was a post about a clojure implementation of unsupervised part-of-speech tagging with only 300 lines of code. Since 300 lines of code are too hard to reverse engineer for some, requests were made for further detail on this algorithm. Well, be careful with what you wish for!
  • Taming HTML forms with #Clojure. One small example of why I think Clojure will be an awesome web programming language. (here, via @brentonashworth) -- This tutorial both introduces the form features of the upcoming version 0.3 of sandbar, and also shows how you can create web forms interactively with this lib, including validation and error reporting.
  • Beginnings of a graph library for #clojure (here, via @jkkramer) -- You can define, traverse and do other operations with graphs. With optional support for GraphViz to boot!
  • I wrote a library to simplify using Google App Engine with #Clojure (here, via @vetoshev) -- You can find the rationale for this project here.