• Noticing some interesting evolution of Node.js towards #Clojure "best practices". #uhoh (via @LuciousPear) -- Are you talking about Aleph?
  • Concurrency, State and Functional Programming (here, via @bradfordcross) -- or, Just Because Clojure Supports Multiple Styles of Concurrent Software Development Doesn't Mean That You Should Use Them All, All The Time. The article distinguishes the different types of support for concurrent software development that Clojure provides and argues that most of the times, just one style is enough.
  • Another entry in the (take... series of micro-interviews focusing on #Clojure. (take 6 (george-jahad)) (here, via @fogus) -- George has been producing cool debugging facilities for Clojure. Read about his new plans.
  • State-Of-The-Art Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagger in 300 lines of #Clojure (from Scratch) (here, via @aria42) -- The code is self contained, no use of external libraries. There is a companion blog post. Cool stuff.
  • That's why there hasn't been much update on la #clojure. it's being completely rewritten using clojure. (via @wmacgyver) -- This refers to IntelliJ IDEA's support for Clojure development via "la Clojure" plugin. I am assuming that coding the plugin in Clojure itself will make it easier for it to perform the crazy code completion and refactorings that IDEA is used to. Now *that* is interesting... errr, Emacs, why are you looking at me this way? And what is this chef knife in your for?!