• stumbling towards the clojure api (a code example using de maybe monad and null safe operator .?.) (here, via @jneira) -- The many ways to deal with functions that can return a null value.
  • I put together a small example of how to use the #websocket support in #aleph using #clojure (here, via @maclausen) -- Don't you worry, you won't be reading much code as the code in this example is very succinct.
  • Random thoughts on Clojure Protocols (here, via @debasishg) -- This is a very informative article about what protocols in clojure are and are not, the latter part (what protocols are not) being most informative for all of you programming polyglots.
  • Porting #clojure ants concurrency demo to #haskell (here, via @wmacgyver) -- Here is a follow-up post, "Speeding up the Ants program" which contains some interesting profiling info.
  • lein-hadoop is now available on clojars.org. Contributions welcome! (here, via @xefyr) -- A leiningen plugin that lets you create hadoop-compatible jar files.
  • The only real problem I have with Clojure is that after learning it, you never want to program in another language again (via @mauritsrijk) -- I know, it happens...
  • Beware Choosing the Most Complex Tool for the Job (here, via @stuartsierra) -- A word of caution for those too eager to use the new 1.2 features (protocols, records) that could make your programs more complex and less flexible.
  • static - static blog generator in #clojure (here, vi a@maclausen) -- Nurullah Akkaya moved his blog away from Compojure and into the static world by using only hiccup. The code is here.