Alle drei Teile unserer Clojure-Serie im JavaSPEKTRUM sind mittlerweile online (here, via @stilkov) -- For the German speakers (well, readers would be fine too!), here are the three parts of a series of articles on Clojure for JavaSPEKTRUM (Overview, Data Types and Java Integration, and Concurrency).
Version 0.6 of the Grails Clojure plugin utilizes Clojure 1.2.0 (here, via @jeffscottbrown) -- Grails is a Groovy-based web development framework. This plugin lets you use clojure from within the framework, which makes it very easy to develop webapps and use Clojure in the backend.
Securing #Clojure web applications with Sandbar - Part 2. Form-based authentication and channel security (here, via @brentonashworth) -- Sandbar is a library intended to work on top of Compojure/Ring and that simplifies writing web applications.
Basic authentication for ring (and compojure etc.) (here, via @planetclojure) -- Basic Authentication, but this time without Sandbar ;)
A micro-manual for LISP Implemented in C (here, via @planetclojure) -- Ok, bear with me here. Nurullah has a free weekend, and what do you normally do with a free weekend? Well, it turns out he decides to write a LISP in C. So he writes it, and it works. Let me ask here, how many of you pull this kind of software over the weekends?!? I don't. I would if I could though!
Are we to static for a dynamic world? (here, via @kotarak) -- The pros and cons of extending records statically or dynamically (speed vs. flexibility). Good insight, you might want to tread this, since these features are new to Clojure 1.2.0