32 days after Leiningen 1.2.0: Leiningen 1.3.0 is released (here, via @technomancy) -- Multiple connections to the same REPL, task chaining, user-level plugins, and shell script launchers for your jar files.
Clojure, concurrency and silver bullets (here, via @cbeust) -- Cedric Beust, the author of amongst other things TestNG, comments on Bob Martin's article"Why Clojure?" and argues that clojure is no silver bullet when it comes to concurrency, arguing that straight Java with the Concurrent library is better.
Modularization of #clojure contrib is complete; lib authors please read (here, via @stuartsierra) -- This will allow authors to provide updates to each library in clojure.contrib much faster than before.
There are two kind of databases, those that can do map-reduce queries in Clojure on those that don't (here, via @old_sound) -- The author attempts to using Clojure to perform the computations related to ma-preduce in Riak. Note that you can already do this in CouchDB via clutch.
rolled the SIGHUP config reloading business for #clojure into a library (here, via @alandipert) -- "Reload configuration files in Clojure daemons when the JVM receives a SIGHUP. Configuration files are Clojure code, and can contain any Clojure data structures". Un*x only.
any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from #clojure (via @alandipert) -- And with this, somebody in the Internet will call you a 'fanboy'.
A Clojurist's Guide to Java (here, via @ihodes) -- From the article: "it should serve as a "Getting Started with Java from Clojure" guide that will hopefully enable you to more easily navigate the Java documentation and use Java in your Clojure projects when the need arises"
Clojure in Python (here, via @HNTweets) -- What do you do if Clojure takes to long to start (or re-start) when hosted in Google App Engine? Rewrite Clojure in Python, of course, since Python starts way faster!
Clojure programmers don't write their apps in Clojure. They write the language that they use to write their apps in Clojure. (via @fogus) -- I think it should read "Good Clojure programmers...", my code doesn't quite look like that (yet)
equiv branch has been merged to #clojure master branch. primitive args have arrived.(here, via @wmacgyver) -- Get ready to see your Clojure code fly even faster!