You guys know how to get yourselves busy over weekend, don’t you? Gosh! Here we go..

  • Assoc and Clojure’s PersistentHashMap: part ii (here, via @planetclojure) -- An in-depth look at how 'assoc' works on persistent data structures (with nice graphs and Java code!)
  • "The past is immutable" An early #Clojure in Lisp (here, via @fogus) -- Things I learned Today: Clojure was first written in Common Lisp!
  • #Clojure Protocols and the Expression Problem (here, via @brentonashworth) -- On how the new 'protocols' can be used to avoid the Expression Problem (e.g. adding functionality to library code that we don't have control for).
  • New post, new project: Clojure Workers and Large Scale HTTP Fetching. (here, via @bradfordcross) -- This article introduces work, a generalized worker pool for clojure. The goal is to be able to start multiple tasks to be executed in parallel while controlling the number of threads created and also their lifecycle since, in the opinion of the author, the current parallelization features of Clojure don't offer enough control. It also introduces clj-http...
  • on clj-http. A new http client for clojure (here, via @bradfordcross) -- Mark MacGranaghan introduces his new creation: clj-http, that is a new HTTP client with an interface inspired on Ring, which ensures extreme simplicity and extensibility.
  • Most of learning #clojure is unlearning narrow ways of thinking about programming (via @nathanmarz)
  • weekend hacking: a LOGO interpreter built with clojure + app engine + HTML canvas + parsec envy (here, via @antoniogarrote) -- OK, I don't know where to start with this, but let me try: a LOGO interpreter  in the cloud, backed by Clojure on Google App Engine, with no need of browser plugins (e.g. Flash), that lets you share your designs, all done in a weekend... How long are you weekends Antonio?... oh, and the code is on Github to boot!