• Learning about #clojure Pods, a possible new feature similar to transients but better, from Rich Hickey at #emerginglangs (via @disclojure) -- Yes, I was there. Rich Hickey presented his current work on Pods (previously named Cells) at the Emerging Languages Camp in Portland, OR. The room was packed with language developers and some 'tourists' (i.e. yours truly), and a total of 26 languages were discussed.
    • So I wrote up a review of the @emerginglangs conference last night. Awesome times (here, via @technomancy) -- This review of the conference provides the most complete and accurate summary of what Rich Hickey presented.
    • Long blog post on OSCON's Emerging Languages Camp (here, via @deamwampler) -- This is an more detailed description of the conference, but with less emphasis (and accuracy) on Clojure.
  • Clojure dropbox API (here, via @coder_tim) -- Access the Dropbox API from Clojure (provided you are registered as a Dropbox developer). This API will allow to store your users' data in their own Dropbox accounts.
  • #clojure contrib deprecation policy (here, via @wmacgyver) -- As the march for Clojure 1.2 progresses, it is time to clean-up clojure.contrib since, for example, some functions have moved to clojure.core. This document explains the deprecation policy; in summary, things are marked deprecated one full minor version (the 'x' in 1.x) and possibly removed the next one, so you have that window of time to stop using deprecated functions.
  • Writing blog post - collection of #Clojure tips (with code) for newbies. Email me at satishtalim [at] gmail.com (via @IndianGuru) -- This is a request for Clojure programming tips. All worthy tips will end up published in a summary article.
  • Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application (here, via @planetclojure) -- This is a relatively long and detailed post by Mark McGranahan, the author of Ring (amongst other interesting projects). The post covers all the steps that will allow you to create a Clojure web-app, deploy it on your local machine or even on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure. It is a great summary of tools and techniques.
  • Did you know about versioning? This time about #clojure infrastructure. (here, via @kotarak) -- A plea to all Clojure library developers to follow a simple and unified versioning scheme, so we all can keep our sanity (these last words are mine)
  • Programming Hadoop with Clojure (here, via @alexott_en) -- A detailed rundown of how to write Haddop applications with Clojure and Stuart Sierra's clojure-hadoop libraries. It even includes a full example and a bunch of useful links, so it makes it very easy to get you started with Hadoop.