• #Pune #Clojure Course. It's free. (here, via @IndianGuru) -- Bring your own laptop, July 3rd and 4th, from 10am to 5pm, by Baishampayan Ghose, a.k.a. @ghoseb, of Planet Clojure fame.
  • This is what I'm doing to reference records in a different ns in #clojure - look right? (here, via @puredanger)
  • My own Tetris written in the Clojure programming language :) (here, via @StackedCrooked) -- Nice! I just copied the code into the REPL and I found myself playing tetris a few seconds later (it's a swing app, in case you were wondering...)
  • First cut at Trammel doc for `contract`. Criticism welcomed (here, via @fogus) -- Trammel is project to bring Contracts Programming to Clojure. The author is looking for feedback, so don't be shy!