• Dear Clojure people: please read my Leiningen tutorial and tell me what you think! (here, via @technomancy) -- Leiningen 1.2 is getting close to being released, so head on to the tutorial page and provide feedback if need be.
  • Integrate #sproutcore with #clojure and #mongodb! (here, via @teropa) -- Sproutcore is an HTML5/AJAX application framework that lets you build complex and interactive web pages. The linked page is one of their tutorials, which happens to use Clojure/Compojure for its backend.
  • God created Clojure, everything else evolved from a stupid fish. (via @siah) -- Aren't we taking this a little too far? Plants didn't evolve from fish...
  • Enclojure plugin cannot be installed on NetBeans 6.9. sigh. (via @Kumappus) -- Don't get trigger happy with the update button on Netbeans if you're using it for Clojure, as it will break. Wait for the Enclojure update instead.
  • "Clojure already beats the pants off of any other JVM language. Now it's chasing them down the street, wacking them with a spoon" (via @nainostrebor) -- Oh, yes, so Uberconf is going on these days and Stu Halloway is offering a workshop on Clojure. I had over 350 tweets in my inbox today to read and most of them where quotes from Stu. Looks like he was blowing some minds!
  • Every time you mention Scala and Haskell in the same sentence, a Java developer thumbs through a Clojure book at Borders. (via @davetron5000) -- I don't mean to throw gasoline into a flamewar, but I thought this one was funny (if not accurate)
  • Enhanced primitive support being considered in Clojure (here, via @scode) -- So the 'num' branch now has a corresponding wiki page describing its goals: making clojure faster by allowing functions to receive primitives as parameters and be able to return them as return values, and thus avoiding a lot of boxing and unboxing of these primitives into the correspondent objects. This option and its implications is being heavily discussed in the mailing list as I write this. Join in if you want to shape the future of Clojure, or just to read and learn from the pros.
  • Azul opensources their managed runtime tech. This is important for Clojure and all multithreaded JVM software (here, via @disclojure) -- If your Clojure apps are running on the newer Xeon processors and on top of Linux, you might be able to see big improvements in performance when this is integrated in your JVM (OpenJDK for now). This will give us almost imperceptible garbage collection pauses, and ability to manage very large heap sizes without a sweat (much over 2GB). This is important since Clojure targets multi-processor machines and you don't want its scalability to be limited by the GC pauses and the amount of usable memory.
  • TDD in #clojure, the final part. (here, via @marick) (Parts 1 and 2) -- This part has some conclusions (develop top-down or bottom-up for TDD?) and proposes a new mocking framework as a result of this experiment.