• Em Tempos de Copa do Mundo... (original and translated to English, via @danielfmt) -- Post in Portugese about how to code a system to manage World Cup-related sweepstakes in Clojure. Very useful these days!
  • Just threw out my first snapshot release of my Github API bindings for Clojure. \o/ (here, via @IORayne) -- Hmm... will we be able to one day manage Git from the RELP? 'cause that'd be awesome.
  • Online video of a (German) talk I did on Clojure (here, via @stilkov) - This is an intro to Clojure for German speakers.
  • Joy of Clojure chapter 8 MEAP update just hit your inbox (via @fogus) -- And from there it went straight to my iPad.
  • Clojure IO cookbook (here, via @grantmichaels) -- The many ways of doing I/O in Clojure.
  • #clojure: now way, way faster. (here, via @alandipert) -- So now there is another development branch "num" that allows some numerical code to work 10x faster.  The linked page shows such speedup in the fibonacci function by just putting some type hints in the function signature, leaving the body intact.