• Clojure intro slides from my talk at #rheinjug (here, via @stilkov)
  • your tests will thank me (here, via @stuarthalloway) -- Stu fixed a bug in leiningen that caused the whole application to be recompiled between tests. Now your tests should run much faster.
  • Deploying #clojure #compojure 0.4 to #gae (here, via @wmacgyver) -- Here is a blog devoted to showing how to build Clojure apps for Google App Engine. This particular post is about deploying to GAE
  • Interested in a free eBook "Clojure for Beginners"? Email satishtalim [at] gmail.com Will send starting 24 May (via @IndianGuru)
  • Mi trabajo con triple spaces y clojure empieza a avanzar (here, via @antoniogarrote) -- "A triple space is a RDF graph stored in a shared memory location, that can be accessed concurrently by any number of agents manipulating the triples in the graph. Besides being a mean to store and manipulate semantic meta data, triple spaces also offer coordination mechanisms among agents thanks to a small set of operations over the triple space with well defined semantics". Find the source code here
  • About thinking functionally (here, via @gstamp) -- This is an interesting post about how in order of leverage functional languages one needs to change the way he thinks about the problems.
  • First draft of Joy of Clojure in the books. 3rd review upcomming. New Meap chapters in the pipeline. Life is good. (via @fogus)
  • Lazy-spy: Clojure logging/spy for lazy sequences (here, via @plegato) -- logging/spy is a nice utility in clojure.contrib that allows you to insert debug logs that print the function parameters and the outcome. But it doesn't work that well when using lazy sequences. This blog-post proposes an alternative that works well with lazy sequences.